UFO sightings that change the discussion about UFOs in the United States
  • By ufos-usa
  • / August 10, 2023
  • / Stories

Unidentified flying objects or UFOs have been a legend for centuries. From coast to coast and continent to continent, people still claim they saw a disk-shaped object in the sky or that their dog was abducted by aliens.

With all the truly amazing information about UFOs, it can be difficult to figure out the facts in a sea of ​​fiction. Luckily, we’re here to help you find out all the facts about UFOs once and for all.

The US government had its own UFO task force. According to the National Archives,
Project Blue Book
was a systematic study of UFOs conducted by the United States Air Force. From 1947 to 1969, Project Blue Book made every effort to investigate every UFO report and determine whether it posed a threat to national security.

Although most of the 12,618 sightings are due to the weather phenomenon, the government admits that the task force was unable to detect 701 cases despite active investigations.

Experienced pilot crashed and died while being chased by a UFO

Thomas Mantell, a successful World War II fighter pilot and member of the Kentucky Air National Guard, crashed and died in January 1948 while pursuing a UFO flying saucer in the Kentucky area, leading Mantell on his “unsuccessful” and ultimately fatal chase .

Even today, the circumstances that led to his downfall are still questioned by public opinion and the military. Members of the Kentucky National Guard who were also searching for UFOs that day were never able to determine exactly what they were looking for. Some scientists think it could be a weather balloon, but the fact is we’ll never know.

The pilot claims to have seen a UFO flying at speeds of more than 1,250 miles per hour.

In 1947, American pilot Kenneth Arnold reported seeing very bright lights hovering near his plane during a business trip to Yakima, Washington. Arnold told the Bellingham Herald that the nine points of light were traveling in a V shape at about 1,200 miles per hour.

These extremely fast flying objects were never explained and it was Arnold who described them as a “leaky flying saucer”, hence the term “flying saucer” in reference to UFOs.
, U.S. Air Force personnel reported seeing a spacecraft.


In 1980, US Air Force personnel stationed near London reported seeing a series of strange lights coming from nearby Rendlesham Forest.According to the BBC, several soldiers reported coming across what they initially thought was a crashed aircraft in the forest. As they got closer, they discovered that it was a ship from another world that was emitting beams of light that penetrated the forest.

Over the next few days, numerous other Air Force officials came forward to confirm these claims, claiming that the glow of this mysterious aircraft created an impressive light show for several hours without there being any clear indication that the lights could come from another source. Since then, the area near London, England, has been known as Roswell.

The cause of the green fireball incident in New Mexico is still unclear.

On the night of December 5, 1948, two different flight teams, including one from the United States Air Force, reported sightings of a huge green fireball east of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Independent teams reported this mysterious fireball to authorities. A crew member reported that at times the fireball appeared to be heading directly toward the aircraft, forcing the pilot to yaw to avoid it.

After this initial incident, many additional green fireball incidents were reported in New Mexico and beyond, but none have been fully resolved.

UFO roswell

The Roswell incidents continue to be the subject of debate among citizens and government officials.

An alleged UFO crash site near Roswell, New Mexico, has attracted thousands of tourists to the area since the crash is believed to have occurred in the summer of 1947. However, the actual events surrounding the infamous Roswell UFO incident are still being debated. the debate.

Although Brigadier William Brazel described finding a saucer-shaped UFO on his ranch, the Army said Brazel’s discovery was merely an experimental weather balloon. Additionally, the city of Roswell’s official website states that “debris and bodies were removed and a military shelter was subsequently constructed” – or so some think.

Los Angeles A “UFO” kills five people.


In February 1942, soldiers stationed about 120 miles from Los Angeles discovered an unidentified flying device intruding and hiding in plain sight.The U.S. military thought it might be an enemy plane — we were in the middle of World War II, after all — and plunged all of Los Angeles into darkness to make it easier to see the plane, according to Smithsonian Magazine.

When the blackout occurred, police were inundated with reports of unidentified flying objects being found throughout the city. Due to the stress of the event, five people died from heart attacks and car accidents. Authorities said when the city returned to normal, soldiers saw a weather balloon and not an enemy fighter or a UFO.

The Pentagon has previously examined 
, “extraterrestrial
 UFO technologies” and launched a top-secret mission in 2009 called the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program. In late 2012, several government officials, including then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, were tasked with investigating previous UFO incidents.

When the project was conceived, its primary goal was to debunk claims of extraterrestrial life and instead determine whether these mysterious sightings could be explained by covert Soviet activity or other potential threats to American security. All information about this top-secret investigation was disclosed by Luis Elizondo, the personal intelligence officer who led the initiative. The exact results of their investigations have not yet been published.

Many scientists stationed in Antarctica have reported UFO sightings.

Yes, it’s true: even on the world’s most sparsely populated continent, glimpses of extraterrestrial life have been spotted.In 1965, military officers from three different countries  Argentina, Britain and Chile  reported flickering red, blue and green lights in a distant part of the sky.

The soldiers also recorded significant magnetic changes in their geomagnetic instruments, leading them to wonder what else could be in such remote parts of the world. To date, authorities cannot explain the source of these alleged UFOs.

Heaven’s Gate mass suicide triggered by anticipation of UFO sightings

Founded in 1974, Heaven’s Gate was a thousand-year-old American religious sect based near San Diego, California. In 1997, police discovered the bodies of 39 cult members who had committed suicide to leave this world for another that they believed contained alien life.

They planned to commit suicide after a rare sighting of Comet Hale-Bopp, allegedly believing that the UFO would follow the comet to lead them to a higher plane of existence.

Many old images were “photobombed” by UFOs.

From the 14th century onwards, many ancient images showed objects that could be compared to modern UFOs.For centuries, scientists have noted the presence of flying saucers in paintings such as the Annunciation with Saint Peter. Emidius (1486) and The Crucifixion of Christ (1350), in which flying UFOs hover near Jesus’ head.

UFO in paintings

According to The History Channel, Men in Black is partly based on real events. In 1947, Harold Dahl reported seeing six donut-shaped objects hovering over Puget Sound in Washington state. He claimed that the mysterious objects got close enough to harm his son and kill his dog.

After a strange event, Dahl said that a man in black came to him and said that this event can be attributed to extraterrestrial life. This man told Dahl to never say a word to anyone about their conversation. Of course, Dahl eventually did. From this story about the “man in black” came the sci-fi comedy thriller “Men in Black” starring Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones.

Ancient Roman Scientists Once Written About Flying Ghost Ships

In ancient Rome, the philosopher and historian Titus Livius once stated in his historical text Ab Urbe Condita that many people had seen “ghost ships” in the sky over the city for years. Although this is a rather vague observation, many historians believe that this is the first official UFO sighting in human history.

People report alien abductions with startling regularity

Since the first widespread alien abduction report in 1961, when a New Hampshire couple named Barney and Betty Hill claimed to have been abducted by aliens, to those who claim they were abducted are treated with a great deal of skepticism.

However, this happens on a regular basis. Nicolas Dumont, a French psychologist who specializes in people who believe they may have been abducted by aliens, said he treated about 100 patients, all French, “who showed signs of abduction.”

“Often these people tell me that they were woken up in the middle of the night and paralyzed. They saw non-human beings around them, whether they were at home or in an external location that could be a spaceship, ”Dumont said. “Some didn’t experience anything until they woke up at home, thinking it was morning, before realizing that 48 hours had passed. We call this “missing time” – it’s very common. ”

The appearance of numerous “ghost rockets” in Sweden remained secret for years

In 1946, more than 2,000 people in Sweden reported seeing ghost rockets (Spökraketer in Swedish) between May and December. In addition, according to the National Commission for Aviation Research, almost 200 unidentified flying objects have been detected by radar in Sweden and neighboring countries.

After the incident, the Swedish military asked newspapers not to reveal specific details of the case, and in the years following the discovery of the mysterious objects, the government remained largely silent about the incident.

The events recounted in Close Encounters of the Third Kind actually occurred in the year
, . It’s true: Some aspects of the 1977 science fiction film Close Encounters of the Third Kind are actually based on UFO sightings. According to “UFO Research: A Scientific Inquiry” by Joseph Allen Hynek, one of the film’s most memorable scenes took place in Levelland, Texas, in 1957, in which a UFO causes the drivers’ cars to lose power.

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