August 10, 2023

From the 1969 Berkshire UFO incident to the incredible story of Barney and Betty Hill, these alien abduction stories can make even skeptics believe there is a truth. On September 20, 1961, Betty and Barney Hill were traveling through the White Mountains of New Hampshire when they reported seeing a bright light appear in the sky. Two hours later they returned to the driveway with no memory of what had happened or where they were. According to their later reports, the two men traveled…

UFO sightings that change the discussion about UFOs in the United States
August 10, 2023

Unidentified flying objects or UFOs have been a legend for centuries. From coast to coast and continent to continent, people still claim they saw a disk-shaped object in the sky or that their dog was abducted by aliens. With all the truly amazing information about UFOs, it can be difficult to figure out the facts in a sea of ​​fiction. Luckily, we're here to help you find out all the facts about UFOs once and for all. The US government had its own…

The Most Believable Modern UFO Sightings 
August 9, 2023

What do a flying saucer, a Tic-Tac-shaped wingless plane, and miles of flashing lights have in common? They all defy explanation. In 2017, several news outlets revealed the existence of the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP), a U.S. government-funded program that investigated unidentified flying objects from 2007 to 2012. This secret $22 million program was…

August 9, 2023

5 Times (Maybe) UFOs and Aliens Sighted in New Mexico If anything is more associated with New Mexico than Hatch Green Chile, it's aliens and UFOs. Ask anyone what they know about alien sightings and they'll probably wonder about Roswell. If the face of Helen of Troy launched a thousand ships, the infamous incident of July 1947 sparked a thousand theories and an alien frenzy that has grown over the past 74 years. But Roswell is not an isolated case - if reports are to be believed. And with the highly anticipated government report on UFOs released on Friday, June 25, what better way…

August 8, 2023

Since its founding in 1974, the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) has been an unbiased center where you can share any potentially dangerous experiences through a hotline or written report. world you have experienced. I had. The Internet Archive contains thousands of such stories, from UFOs to alien…